Due to its responsive behavior, the Mobile Understitial is exposed by scrolling and is integrated into the content.
Technical data
max. 320 x 480px
File formats
gif, jpg, png, html5, redirect
200 kB (hosted by us), max. 2MB reloaded (polite download from external sources)
General guidelines
visible height selectable: 50 px – 250 px
Platform: mobile website, not bookable & playable inApp
BILD App: for the BILD App a creative in the size 320 x 460 px must be delivered
It is recommended to use a creative that is not animated in multiple slides/scenes, as only a maximum 250px high section is visible
Alternative size: Retina display 640 x 960 px
If delivered as HTML5/Redirect: If the ad is delivered in 640 × 960 px, it must be created responsive/scalable to adapt to the given frame (320 x 480 px)
If delivered as jpeg, png or gif: 320 × 480 px or 640 × 960 px
For app placements: Please make sure that the creatives do not require JS events and are compatible with the iOS app WebView
For programmatic bookings the standard size must be supplied (320 × 480 px)