WELT AM SONNTAG has been climate-neutral since May 2022. DIE WELT will also become climate-neutral starting from August 15, 2022. With the aim of permanently reducing CO2 emissions and implementing long-term strategies for climate protection, currently occurring emissions are offset by certified climate initiatives. Here, WELT AM SONNTAG and DIE WELT work together with the Bundesverband der Druck und Medien e.V. (German Printing and Media Industries Federation). In this context, we support the ecological climate protection projects “efficient cooking stoves” in East Africa and “solar energy” in India.
Place your ad in a climate-neutral environment. Do good without an additional investment.
“Climate protection is one of the most important tasks of our time. With the climate-neutral WELT AM SONNTAG, we are the first Sunday newspaper to offer our customers climate-neutral advertising environments – without an additional investment. Advertise and do good at the same time.”
Click here to find all information needed about our sustainable concepts.